hi again today this is another tutorial about Weaver and how to use it today I want to show you how to run a meeting how to track time on the various agenda items of a meeting and how to take notes there's some new capabilities there and it's worth taking a look at this video to understand how to use these things effectively alright so I've set up a typical meeting here nothing fancy it's set to go I've invited people to it and I've set up an agenda here of all of the items that we're gonna cover in this fictitious group which is doing facilities maintenance but you can see the agenda here and work through it now we haven't started the meeting yet generally we're in draft now we would put it in the plan meeting state and this is where everybody else will be able to see it and for all the time between when you initially set up the meeting up to when the meetings coming this is where notices will be sent out this is where people can record whether they're going to be attending the meeting or not when it comes around time to actually running the meeting you put the meeting in run mode now this is a manual operation doesn't happen automatically because you may have scheduled it for a particular time but but you'll actually do this when when you start the meeting now it's not yet recording anything now the recording is up to you one person or it could be multiple people from the group will be designated as the notes taker so we get down to here and we have the opening round now what you'll see is that when you put the meeting in run mode these indicators appear here to say how much time has elapsed and they're all set to zero at this point in time so if I were to call a meeting to order I would then click this little button here and all this is doing is its timing how much time you spend on this and it's giving you an indicator you planned five minutes on this so it's showing you how much time you have left so in the opening round we normally go around everybody ask them their status and what's up and this helps them feel part of the meeting and it makes sure that the important things can be brought up at the front end that everybody has a chance to do so now if you're taking notes for the meeting what you do is go to the options and say edit minutes now the way this is designed opens in a different window so the whole idea here is that we would probably tear this off and set it up in a side-by-side display here and this is a very simplified display just for entering minutes and this can be edited by multiple people at once so if different people add things in so let me just put some things in here now the thing about entering information here is if you want them to be separate paragraphs you're entering in markup or markdown if you're familiar with that if you want this to be separate paragraphs you need to put a blank line between them and that way it'll they'll come out as separate paragraphs now you can actually see those if you open this up and you look at the meeting you'll actually see the the minutes being displayed here if you want these to be bullet points you put little asterisks in front of them like that now you'll see as I make a change every time I make a change you'll see a Save button appear here it'll appear for a moment and then it'll disappear the reason it disappear is because it's automatically saved in so it's constantly automatically saving these you don't have to worry about them too much I'm on that so I put those bullets in here I do have to refresh the page over here to see those changes and I'll see that I've got bullet points there but I think the idea is that for meeting minutes we're not going to do a lot of styling of them generally the meetings going pretty quick and the whole point about this phase of the meeting is just to capture it so if we go into here we can say you know something like that and again these are being automatically saved as we go along and you'll notice that in this panel here there I have a spelling mistake here I can't I can't change that I can't do any of that but what I can do is that when we do get to this part of the meeting I can now flip the time or two to here and it'll start timing this part of the meaning that can be done both in the in the meeting display and in the minutes editor display so we in the meeting display that's where you would add all of your that's where you would manipulate the the meeting in in all of the normal ways so I don't know if I have any action items to to add to this I don't I could create one and we can assign it to somebody so we're working with the meeting metadata here but and all of the settings if I want to change the status I'll do that in the meeting display but I can keep the minutes going over here at the same time on the side so when I start then the next one and you know just to demonstrate this if if someone else in the group was motivated so motivated you want to run this meeting this way you can have two of these up at once and I'll just demonstrate this I'll just type in a change here and you'll notice how to meet me more or less immediately it's five to ten seconds delay before it gets over there so oh I should I should have that in position where you can see it but I have multiple people taking notes and this is very helpful sometimes because taking the nose can be a kind of an overwhelming task you're trying to keep up if you're trying to participate in the documentation sometimes it's nice to have someone take over the the role of taking the meeting notes now if you decide now this is recording how much time has elapsed so we spent about three minutes on the opening round there and that and that's just recorded there and if you go past the remit three minutes this color will turn red if you decide to stop the meeting for some reason and you don't want to keep on recording time there is there is a stop button down at the bottom and you can hit that and that will that will stop all the timers so that and you can restart that again quite I'll just put a few other notes in here looks okay no we don't need this at that time now obviously there would be much more of a discussion in a real meeting but I'll just do that and I'm and I'm just putting that in there so that we have an example okay so you keep going and at any point in time of course you can you can close this and reopen it again if you wish now when the meeting is done we complete the meeting and now we have the option to generate the minutes now when we generate the minute it's going to take all those notes that we had and and put them in there so here we'll see the basic outline here and here you have the different minutes that I entered in now the reason it it generates it this way is so that you can go back and edit the topic because a lot of times this automatically generated view is is a little limited so maybe you know maybe you do or you don't want to have these in there you can simplify it a little bit you can correct some spelling well that's all just junk so we'll just delete that and and maybe you can add in some information so this is done after the meeting is done in order to make sure that the minutes are actually completely up today and when you're done with everything you you then post the topic and that will that will then cause the minutes to be sent to everybody or if we go back to that meeting we'll see now that the the minutes have been posted so that's it so what I've gone through is how to run a basic meeting how to track the time on the different agenda items you can start the timer and it records that automatically and keeps track of it and finally how to take notes while the meeting is going on on the various agenda items and how that can be done by multiple people at the same time it's automatically saving it and synchronizing it so that you can get as accurate notes as possible and when you're done you have a good record of the meeting thanks