1. Welcome to Weaver

Request a Weaver site.

Requester: {{newSite.requester}}
Site Name: {{newSite.siteName}}
URL Key: {{newSite.siteId}}
Purpose: {{newSite.purpose}}
Pre-approval: {{newSite.preapprove}}

Step 1: Your Email Address.

Do you have a Weaver account? If you do, please log in now.

Otherwise we can set you up with a login account right away. Enter the email address that you will use to log into the site, and to which we will send correspondence about the site. We will send you an email to verify your email address, and you can set your password right away.

Sending email to '{{newSite.requester}}.'

An email has been sent to '{{newSite.requester}}.' Please check your email inbox. Use the link in that message to set a password for yourself, and to continue the process of creating a site.